Art as Liberation

When it comes to my art, I find it be very liberating. It can be a form of therapy. It is that freeing aspect that allows me to go beyond myself, but to also turn around and reflect upon myself. The most liberating feeling I can get is when I make art that if for myself. I mean this in a way that certain art I produce comes from a deeper part of me, rather than making art for the sake of making art. I made a print call “Transcendence” and it is an image of a nebula behind someone able to let their mind free.

Screen Print | Timothy Cline | 2014
Transcendence | Screen Print | Timothy Cline | 2014

It was during the creation of this, that I can now look back on and make the connection “that theory could be a healing place.” (Hooks) for me to create empowering art. Thoughts that race through my mind can finally come to light in the act of making art.

In the movie Exit Through the Gift Shop, which is about street art, the act of liberation of a place through art is very clear. Street artists “look at the world differently, using theory as intervention, as a way to challenge the status quo…” (Hooks). Yes, they are engaging in a space illegally, but for the sake of art and breaking the norms set by society. Street artists are the in the front line on the war on street art, they are the ones to take the first step and are unapologetic about it. For something that has such a short lifespan, street art needs to be documented, and thanks to the internet, street art has recently become “permanent” (in cyberspace) for everyone to see.

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